Monday, 18 March 2013

Horse Whisperer

Hi pumpkins!

Melbourne weather is great too! Sunshine and some wind breeze. The fact that autumn is here and yet, you get a day or two of temperature increased to a moderate of 20 degrees! Perfect! How i wish this will last for long!  ;)

It's been 2 weeks plus since i came back to Melbourne. My other home apart from Malaysia. Sometimes i wonder myself.. Being away from home and coming back to 'home'. It feels surreal. It's like, a part of me wanted to stay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Yet another part of me wanted to get back to Melbourne. Some people thinks that studying abroad gives you all the freedom to party wild and stay  away from home all day.. Well, i guess that's not the case for me. I literally stay at home most of the time, apart from getting to uni, working and a few birthday party occasionally..  It's funny how it transform from being bored at home --> to home's good! why would you want to leave?

Im kinky.. I know.. hahaha.. :p  Things change as you are situated in different environment. I can certainly say that I have changed alot since i first study in Melbourne. Growth you can say. Both mentally and physically.. *grin*

Anyhow, I'm daydreaming a bit in this lovely morning and wanted to share a list of photos that my lovely friend Renee Ho shoot. That's why my tittle as above. I ride a horse!!!!! For the freaking first time. Well, All i can say that it was an amazing experience. My prince charming called Peanut! and it's a white horse. How whimsical! hahaha..
                                              Lots of love from Peanut!

We woke up at 5 in the morning just for this shoot, and boy! it was definitely worth the effort. Gazillion thanks to Kenneth and Rueann for keeping me and Renee accompany. *sniff*

I love my bralet and rainbow skirt! it's so fluffy!
This skirt ain't easy to get i tell you! Stumble it through Instagram and it's from a thai designer named Phakyada. The wonders of PayPal~~
Do follow her on instagram for more pretty clothings : Phakyadastore  



I feel grateful for having friends who loves to take photographs. So much love for you RENEE HO!!!! 
Blog layout credits to her too! :) 

I hope to see you real soon! XOXO 
All picture thanks to renee ho
Visit her page for more amusing pictures. Sure does gives u heaps of inspiring! 

Till then,

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