Wednesday, 18 September 2013

part II of Fiji

We arrived at the airport about 8am in the morning, sort of missed the sunrise in the sky. *dymn* but the warm weather welcomes us! Finally away from the icy cold wet melbourne! Much excited isnt it? 
Well, the enthusiasm is pretty much drain in the journey to our resort. Freaking 2 hours+ to reach! So, a friendly tip, unless you're not keen to go for snorkeling and cheap fresh fruits in Nadi. It is recommended not to stay along coral coast. Coz i do think it's slightly far from everywhere.. :/ 
Anyway~ our long waited sea view is finally here!
Pool view/garden view/ sea view. All in one :D 

*dance with Hawaiian coconut costume* 

One thing u gotta remember in Fiji, DRINK FIJI WATER! Well, apparently there's alot of celebrity who drinks it, coz it's unpolluted,, yadaya da U know it!  It is cheaper to get them from the local convenient stores than those that sell in resorts! 

Picked up this tiny miny coconut. Probably 3ml of coconut water it contains? 

So after 2 hours of waiting, (since we arrive early and check in time is suppose to be 2pm, the resort did provide use breakfast while we're waiting. It is fairly rare for resorts to do that. Coz, this means you've got extra breakfast!) 
Proudly present you our room! :) Spacious aint it? 

With a side bunk bed at the corner. From our balcony you can look through the ocean! Love it! 

as we manage to settle down our luggage and wash up. We started out adventure and guess where are we? 

The local convenient store! How cute is it!!! hahah They basically have most of the stuffs that u need, snacks, food, shampoo,  etc. U name it! 

Apparently, this used to be the airport in Fiji. Korolevu Airport which now has been converted into Shopping centre. 

Impressive ey? Say hi to our taxi driver Paris!   It reminds me of my parents' hometown back in Malaysia. Those rustic and old school kind of lifestyle. Where you've got nothing much to ask for and nothing much to worry about. :) 

I was rather keen to find for Paw Paw as i did some research before i came to Fiji. Insisted that we gotta have some. So our kind driver, Paris drove further up. And guess what!? Lucky us! Found them within minutes! And we got 1 for 1 fijian each! :) 

Our hauls on day one. 

Time for the beach! Got our bikini ons. (well just to take pictures) :p 

A Paranormal  view of our hotel 

Lunch! we had salad. Seriously the sauce taste like. what u can experience in chinese restaurant. Oriental salad! 

Did a lil stepping on our boat. Twinny! 

After much effort of 'cycyling' this is how far we manage to get to! 


So, we had italian food for dinner. I had some sort of pasta. while Yiyi had Seafood Marina. Flavourfullllll 

Some awkwardly friendly resort staff with Kava. which is the muddy looking drink he's holding. Gulp. Didnt dare to give it a try. Coz it's suppose to have some sort of sedative effect. 

Typical jump shot. *just to show ma flexibity* ahem 

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