Sunday, 16 August 2015

8 months after.

Eight months after we break up. I still think about us.
Our past, every scene i have been through with you, flash back.
The time when i'm in Malacca, one of the local trips we went together back then. Do u remember?

I went back to the same river we spend our night. The moment when we took a stroll near the river, the light breeze on our face, and you holding my hand tightly. those day; those moment.

Now, i'm at the same spot gazing into the river, questioning myself what's wrong with me. Why did i let this precious relationship slip through just like that.

Every now and then, i look through our pictures, emails you've send. I smiled, and think back the start of LDR, we have hope for our future, we held on tight with our beliefs.

Now, i couldn't even talk to you normally. Because, thats not possible.

Eight months later, you've found another girl. She works in the same cafe as you. i guess, she would have understand you better in your current situation.

Just before, i talked to my friends, she told me that you've bought a t-shirt from her blog shop on Valentine's day. It's for the girl isn't it?

Within eight months, you've managed to find another girl! WOW! congratulation!
But i guess, you have lose every one's respect from this.
6 years worth of relationship just went down the drain. Like this.

All the promises we had, all the plans we had for future. It has now shared with another girl. All the places we wanted to visit, it will only happen with her.

I feel violated, i felt betray, i felt lost.

It is scary to experience this emptiness. Imagine the memories you used to share has been replaced with a new person. Someone who will be doing what you did in the past. Meeting the parents, sharing your day, exchange the things that's done in a day. It's creepy.

All i can say is, i now finally see the other part of you. It could be good that i'm experiencing this with you at this stage. To know what kind of person you could be. I'm sorry to say that i didn't see you as such person back then. But probably, work and all your surrounding people makes you thinks that it's totally fine to act in this manner. I hope she gives you happiness i couldn't give you,  I hope she supports your dreams and goals, i hope she would be your best friend, your listener, your soul companion.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Sweat and swear skytrex

So, it's my second week to skytrex, Taman Pertanian Shah Alam! 
Last week was merely cycling but, it certainly took up more energy than I expected! It's TIRING!!! Nevertheless, it feels good to be able to sweat so much! Reminisce the good old high school time of doing sports! 
Moving on! This week!  A total of 5 of us proceed to the advance level of obstacles. 

Pure Trill! 
There's less flying fox as compare to the beginner level one. We were the last group of the day as there's only few slots throughout the weekend. 

Let the picture do the justice!   

The beginning of the trail 
Trembling my toes!

I think, there's chicken exit is not needed for you :X 

If you're lucky, you might be able to observe some monkeys, lizards, squirrels and monkey poos! :p

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


分手后, 想念你, 可是却很无奈的逼着自己别想了。 已经没有挽留的机会。 以为我会多么的坚强。 结果叻? 并没有😔