Friday, 28 September 2012

u like long distance relationship?

Hi everyone! How's your day been so far? Hope it's a good day for you! melbourne's weather is having PMS today.. Just hate it when you forgot your umbrella in such a day!
So, back to my topic! Are you in a relationship now? If you are,  is it a long distance relationship? well.. stay tune to this post and i'm gonna talk more my own experience. 

I have been with my current boyfriend, Kenneth for more than 3 years and from the starting of february this year, i'm undergoing this fucked up long distances r/ship thingy...  I've now left Malaysia for more than 8 months.. and i can tell you. Im still not used to being away from him.  God knows how long we will last and how far can we go.  


Sure, u might find the advancement of technology distracting love sick a lil. However, as days past. 
You are all alone in a foreign country, you will feel lonely, you look forward to companionship, you NEED people to comfort your feelings and you definitely need people to talk to. IF you're here with a bunch of friends.. Loneliness might not strike you, it stoke hard on me. The amount of msges ain't gonna be enough for me.. I have gotta admit that i'm a very needy person. Relationship need space, but not distance.   How much does it apply on you? 

It is really something that you need to consider beforehand if you're planning to study abroad. If you think you aren't able to handle it. leave it as soon as you could. I have seen friends of mine who are suffering. Of course, it is easier to be said than done.  People might think that as long as it's true love. All it takes is just honesty, have faith in each other and stay strong. How many of you out there are able to do that? Ask yourself.  

I still love him. yes i do... I'm just unsure how much i can hold on to. what are my limit for our relationship.. if only,  he's here. How different it will be? 
I'm just.. waiting. following the flow and give in as many as i think i could... help me anyone? 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


When I finally decided to study abroad during January 2012. I have gone all excited and emotional. There's so many things going on in my mind and i definitely find it overwhelming. I tried to find out more information to prepare myself for studying abroad. And guess what? there's seriously VERY LIMITED HELP in the net. Yeah, im sure you will say there's helps from article, education services and the list go down. But, here, I mean matters that are slightly more practical.. You know.. things that you are expected to experience when you are 3988166183km away from home!
Well, it is confronting! i bet you not! I guess im either too naive. OR ive not been thinking too much when i make this decision to studying overseas. YES, I made the decisions all by myself . and NO, my mom did not force me to do so.. :) 

So, shall we start the survival guide of being home away?

First thing first! 
Choose the course that is matching with your interest. It might be tough but trust me! it's better to follow your heart in what you want to study than listening to what your parents told you to do. Well.. I'm not telling you to go against your parents.. Just discuss with them what you really want! I'm pretty sure they will listen to you. By the end of the day, you are the one that's doing it, not them. :)
 I'm very lucky to have family who support what i want to do. Hence, i felt confident in pursing my course.  Wanna know what I'm studying? Hah! it's quite.. rare..  for people to study this i reckon..  It's Early Childhood Education! :) well.. what's it about? A lot of people think that why do u need to study to be a nanny??! Well, excuse me.. it's not nanny.. We call ourselves as Early Childhood Educator! :) 
I love kids and i want to know how kids 'function'.. i always find kids are pure and innocent and would like to explore more about them. Thus, I have chosen this course!

See, find your interest and pursue it!!!  One good example isn't it?

Have a lovely day!!


hello there!!

ah-hem! Hi there! Im Carmen Yong...  and I'm starting this new blog for a couple of reasons. 

1) To record my 'new' life in melbourne, Australia. 

2) To introduce people how study abroad feels like, what do you need to prepare in terms of mental, physical and skills (literally) heh.. 

3) I need to improve my english as well! So, please correct me if you spot any grammar mistakes or so.. 

Well, Im gonna start to right soon! :) Please stay tune! 